
I cruised over to the PBS website this afternoon, after a disgusted read of their e-newsletter. I don't care about all their holiday extravaganzas. I want to know when the Forsyte Saga will be back on Masterpiece Theatre. It is slated, according to the MT website, to return on December 21st. Check your local listings. I believe that this season has already aired in the UK, as one of my friends dropped a plot spoiler in a letter over the summer. I'm surprised that PBS hasn't trotted the series out for pledge week.


Free at last!
I finished the last of my xmas knitting projects yesterday. So I can go back to something for myself. Well, that's misleading. I've had several me-projects marinating, providing contrasting gauge to the seven stitches to the inch socks. I'm back on the Everyday Cardigan. The second sleeve was ripped out for about the millionth time, though much earlier in the process this time than last. I finally bit the bullet and redid my gauge swatch. I was using the wrong size needles for the job. I'd like to have that sweater finished in time for xmas, but that may be overly ambitious.
I spent almost all of Monday napping. I'm still trying to kick "that thing that's going around" (the actual medical description). Numerous doses of Walgreen's "Oral Relief" have been employed. I was filled with a sense of dread as I listened to the news on NPR. How is the government not trying to screw us over? The laws governing overtime are being overhauled so that millions of workers who now qualify will become ineligible. Talk about a big fuck you from the powers that be. The federal gov't is also moving to force federally funded clinics to notify a girl's parents before giving her any birth control "drugs or devices". According to Bust magazine, experts predict that this bill could devastate efforts to prevent teen pregnancy, as an estimated 60% of teens would stop using clinics if their parents had to be informed. Also, the Bushites are modifying privacy laws as they apply to minors. Doctors may now inform an underage patient's parents of std and pregnancy tests, as well as treatments. They're also threatening to pull school district funding from schools that distribute emergency contraceptives under the "Schoolchildren's Health Protection Act". Because girls don't need their health issues addressed, even though they generally bear the burden of contraception. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed permanently. I recall thinking, upon learning that Bush's theft of the 2000 election had gained legal recognition, that it was going to be a long four years. Well, how long will we have to live with the legacy of these dark years? Will the republicans not rest until all American women are chained to a radiator, completely stripped of the right to make decisions about their lives and bodies?!
Other depressing thoughts: the City of Chicago decided against me in the matter of my unjust parking ticket, even though I sent a very nicely worded letter of appeal, with supporting evidence enclosed. I told my mother that she will have to go and appeal it in person, as the car is still technically hers. Also, I don't have a job lined up after my current one. So, as of the end of November, I will again be unemployed. We'll see if my attempts to collect unemployment will be anymore fruitful this time around. Dubious.


We had a really terrible matinee audience on Sunday at the theatre. There was a large group of college students, from a local questionably accredited college. I think a good description is "commuter school". There was a devastating mount of inappropriate laughter, and longer than usual crying on the part of one of the actresses. I was so upset. We have no intermission, so there was no way to kick them out. Sigh.
I took a five hour nap yesterday afternoon. Naturally, I woke up with a cold. Or should I say, another cold. I had one during the film fest. What a drag. Luckily, I still have some Nelsons Cold and Flu. I should stock up at the apothecary before flu season hits. I certainly won't want to haul ass up to Lincoln Square when I am sick.
Today, as I drove to Stitch n Bitch, I listened to a report on NPR about the Iowa Caucus. I've been fascinated by the caucus system for years, yet somehow never participated in one during my residence in that illustrious state. That's another story.... We'll save Cook County voting fraud for another day. At first, I was glad to hear a piece detailing the workings of the humble caucus. Until I heard a misleading factual error, repeated several tmes throughout the report. Their experts stated that only Democrats can participate in the caucus. That simply is not true. Their will not be a Republican caucus in this election, since there is no one challenging the president for their nomination. It is true that voters participating in the caucus must be registered party members (no independents allowed). Republicans, alas, are allowed. I was really saddened by this misrepresentation of the caucus. It's a charming institution. Groups of voters, all essentially neighbors, convene to engage in intelligent political discourse. It's kind of like direct democracy. Granted, this takes place, usually, at someone's house, with the republicans in the living room and the democrats in the kitchen, it's much better than the other 49 states can put together. The caucus works so well in Iowa because of its relatively small population and high level of education. It would never work in a big state like Massachusetts. Damn that NPR! I may send them an email later...when I'm in less of a crazy mood.
I finally got my subscription problems with Tin House straightened out. Too bad this has dragged on since the sub started. Getting on the phone instead of relying on politely worded emails yielded greater results.


Many things have happened since my last post. I've never pretended to be punctual or prolific with this site. Anyone relying upon my blog for the stories of my life will have to read between the lines or pick up the goddamn phone.
I'm listening to Beth Gibbons and Rustin Man. It's a sort of side project for her, as it isn't with Portishead. It's been so long since the last Portishead album, I wonder if they'll ever release another. So I was excited to see that their lead singer had a solo album out. It isn't like her previous work, and yet it is. Some of the reviews described it as alt-country, but it's really alt-alt. When I pulled up its details on cddb, it was classified as general alternative. What a bland description. To what is "general alternative" the alternative? Everything, I guess. It's a beautiful album, whatever you call it.
I haven't been listening to a lot of music lately, which is odd. I listen to the radio during my commute, but don't count that. I haven't sat down and spun the new Dido cd that I bought a month ago. All the music I've intentionally spun has been in the sound design for my current show. And how many times can you listen to "Jack and Jill" without snapping? I'd use lots of sad Carpenters songs in the preshow, but that would imply that it was a period piece, which it isn't.
Oh, that fabulously respectable regional theatre where I am working messed up my paycheck again. Last time, it was lower than the agreed upon amount because I was still on an hourly scale. I hold little hope of having that rectified. This week, they forgot to cut me a check. I'd expect this crap from a little company, but not a big Tony Award winner.
I spent part of the weekend with my good friend Sarafina. We don't see each other that often, which is funny since we live in the same part of the world. So, I called her to have drinks after work on Friday and ended spending most of Saturday with her as well. We went to see the fabulous Die Mommy Die at Piper's Alley. My mother was disturbed by this when I cheerfully recited the title to her. It's a marvellous period piece lampooning the old studio pictures of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. The production design was spot on, and the costumes elicited several gasps. Highly recommended for lovers of camp and high production values.
This past week, I also encountered a bum begging next to an ATM on Clark. I was there to arrange finances for a night of ale, when he asked me for a dollar. Like ATMs dispense singles! He had a crutch, and I momentarily wondered if he planned to trip and/or hit me with it. He did not.
Lewis took me to the apothecary in Lincoln Square. What a delightful, expensive little store! He knows where to take his sickly friends. Afterwards, I met a friend for drinks (the night of the bum) and managed to mispronounce apothecary several times. I tried to laugh it off, but was embarassed as I wasn't even that drunk.

Knitting Progress:
*I have completed a single sock of the pair to be given to my grandfather for xmas. It has invited many questions and admiring remarks at work.
*I am already past the heel of my second sock for Lewis, also a xmas present.
*I knit up my orange and pink felted bag in less than 24 hours. Delightful, but it didn't turn out quite how I expected. I've started a matching scarf in 1x1 rib, as I enjoy the color combination so much. The scarf is slow moving, because of the pattern, but a nicely dense fabric.
*I've picked up the Karabella cabled hat again, and am now actually into the body of the hat. After all the time I've put into it, I hope that this hat looks like a million dollars!
*I found a source for the much sought-after Phildar yarn in my peppermint twist sweater project. I think they're the only source in the US, at least the only ones willing to sell single balls. Oddly enough, the store is an hour away from my summer stock home. Who knows when I'll get to that project, but I will be glad to have all the materials assembled.
*I bought the new Interweave, since it has a good article on gloves and mittens. Hours earlier, I'd been discussing the need for bum's gloves (the kind with the fingers snipped off). The theatre is about as warm as a meat locker. I never take my coat off there. Still, I have so many projecst going at the moment that I dare not start another. I'm relieved that I didn't decide to knit lots of xmas presents this year. That would be crazy.

I'm almost done with my xmas shopping this year. It's a nice feeling. Feeling broke is not so great, but has much to do with my paycheck woes and $135 phone bill. Alas, the three left are two important female relatives and one hard-to-shop-for cousin.

Other things that have made me laugh lately:
*The clerk at Target asking me if I wanted a gift receipt when I was buying hair color and a roll of wrapping paper. What kind of cheap bastard do I look like?
* The "bridge out" sign on the Ryan around 45 Street. The bridge has been torn down.
*The new Garrison Keillor book. Great Minnesota humor.

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